Petition Quotes
From our petition
These are the quotes and comments from our petition. We are all so glad you are all committed to help stop animal testing and animal cruelty! These quotes are inspiring and help us do what we do even more! Thank you for all the support and let's get rid of the torture on animals! If you want your comment removed from our site, please let us know in the email page.
"END this PSYCHOPATHIC TORTURE on innocent animals. This is completely DEHUMANIZING for the human race. We live in 2021 and there are modern non animal tests to use."
- Urszula Lund
"Animals put their trust in us humans to be their voice. No animal should ever have to endure this. This is despicable to perform these experiments… these poor animals. Breaks my heart. If these scientists are so set on studying results for these heinous experiments… do it on your own kids. These poor animals don’t even have a voice to speak up how dare you! You perform disgusting experiments on these poor babies. To treat ANY animal this cruelly is DISGUSTING! And it must STOP. You scientists are evil beyond belief. Knowing full well that there are much more human ways to perform these experiments, but yet scientists choose to torture voiceless helpless animals is a testament on how evil humans can really be! When are you scientists going to live up to the human name? Humanity! Scientists are trained to think out of the box so why the hell aren’t you doing so! I think all scientists should go back to modern school."
- Mimi Benadiba
"Animal testing is a very cruel and uncivilised act. This must stop."
- Maria Julia Abolencia
"This is a barbaric outdated and cruel practice"
- ann king
"Je hais la vivisection de toute mon âme. Toutes les découvertes scientifiques entachées du sang des innocents sont pour moi sans valeur."
- Mahamata Gandhi
Original Quote / Translated:
"I abhor vivisection with my whole soul. ... If the circulation of blood theory could not have been discovered without vivisection, the human kind could well have done without it."
- Lucette BALLY
"Animals can’t talk but they have the same feelings as us humans, therefore I am speaking out for them. They suffer in pain and are killed because of humans. Please stop this."
- Louna Grobler
"Basta de tortura a los inocentes voz! Ni un están en este planeta para sestear y hacerlos sufrir! Pagaremos con lagrimas y sangre todo el daño infringido a los animales!"
Enough of torture the innocent voice! Not one is on this planet to nap and make you suffer! We will pay with tears and blood for all the damage inflicted on the animals!
- Roxana Moya
"Animal testing should be banned because we have no right to hurt their sentiments. They have emotions too! Therefore, animal testing should be banned in the entire nation."
- Gagandeep Kaur